Cherry Blossoms in Gyeongju


Well, mostly cherry blossoms. Spring has really sprung around here. It’s lovely. I’ve seen cherry blossoms, but I’ve never lived in a place where they are prevalent, and I could see them everywhere.  Gyeongju has thousands of these blooming cherry trees right now, and it’s a sight to behold. These photos are not so good, but they give you an idea of what it looks like. What you don’t see is they are everywhere. They’ll probably be around in abundance for another week or so. Some trees in cool, shady areas are coming along a little later. Here goes:

Even the croquet courts in the park down the street look nice. (Koreans call it gate ball)

Here are a couple of not-cherry blossom photos.

Very typical Gyeongju, with the ancient tombs in the background, old-style but modern buildings, and flowers in the spring

No bunch of photos of Gyeongju would be complete without yet another 1200-1300 year old Buddha carving. I am little (lower right) compared to them.

Obviously I got here. In addition, I got my green card, which is blue here. I’m even in the health insurance system. Now, the next thing to take care of is following up on my prostate cancer. Hopefully, I am indeed six years out now. I’ve also got a bad toenail. I screwed it up in Torres de Paine, Patagonia, back in 2010, and it’s been nasty ever since.

Does that qualify as news that’s fit to print? It’s probably fit, just boring. Myung and I are back into our routines. These days we are going somewhere to look at cherry blossoms. They will be gone so soon. Tomorrow a friend of hers is coming over, and we’re going to Bomun Lake, which you saw two or three posts ago. Nothing is on tap for next week.

So, I’m going to fire this off. Be well, all of you. And be safe.




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