Catemaco, Mexico Mini-Post

Sometimes it’s hard to know what you’re going to do at a place before you get there. There’s all kinds of nature around Catemaco, but it’s difficult to get to without your own car or the willingness to spend a fortune on a taxi or a tour. This was the case with Catemaco. Catemaco felt like a nice town, though there isn’t much to say about it. I walked around for an evening and saw all I needed to see. The second day there, I met up with a couple of Australians who wanted to kick back at the ocean before heading on to their next destination. We went to a spot with a few beach restaurants and kicked back together. They went swimming. I just ate, drank beer and socialized.



If I had wanted to spend the money, there were plenty of boat guys around who wanted to give rides around the mangroves. I’ve seen plenty of mangroves, so I passed. Then we came back. Whoever said bumpy rides in pick-up truck public transportation isn’t fun? I do wish I had a butt.


So, that’s it. The next day I went to Campeche, where I am still. I’ll probably blog about it tomorrow, as I am tentatively planning to go to Merida the day after tomorrow.


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